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  • Kitchens furniture - MARCEL - ALUVY
  • Kitchens furniture - MARCEL - ALUVY
  • Kitchens furniture - MARCEL - ALUVY


Advised sale price:  €1,490.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

Cécile's choice for the color of MARCEL, the charcoal barbecue, fell on the pretty color “Sienna”, a terracotta rosé, perfectly subtle. It is a summer color, which she uses in interior decoration. MARCEL will be able to help you express yourself in complete freedom. You can choose MARCEL handles, front plate, foot and lid in pearl white or basalt gray. With its large cooking surface (3,100 cm2), it is able to please 10 to 12 people. Powerful and versatile, it will make you love the barbecue even in winter.

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