SILK-KA Flowers for Life! | Artificial Flowers and plants
It's our job to design and create silk flower & plant collections. These originally Dutch collections are handmade according to the highest standards of quality. For each season we design different collections that will enable you to vary endlessly. Our flowers and plants will last for life. Silk-ka is doing business with various customers worldwide. You'll find us in retail where we not only deliver, but also advise the buyers in how to present our collections. Another booming market is our project/event market, where many renown high end companies cooperate with Silk-ka. Please get in touch!
Add AddSILK-KA The darlings of our collection: Cosmos artificial Real touch.Your price:upon demand
Add AddSILK-KA Artificial AmaryllisYour price:upon demand
Add AddSILK-KA Refined artificial Queen Ann LaceYour price:upon demand
Add AddSILK-KA Lifelike artificial succulents.Your price:upon demand