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  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING
  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING
  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING
  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING
  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING
  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING
  • Apparel - BOB protective parka - khaki green - TOMO CLOTHING

Product description

The BOB protective parka is designed to protect you from falls and impacts on two wheels, with its abrasion-resistant textile and protective and back pockets (optional). And as we know that some of you ride in all weathers, it is also waterproof and can be worn over your CAMILLE fleece jacket.

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