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  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO
  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO
  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO
  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO
  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO
  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO
  • Decorative objects - Giraffe candle - EL PELICANO


Advised sale price from:  €20.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

Let yourself be enchanted by the soft glow of our round giraffe candle, the true goddess of the African savannah. Unique, unusual and beautiful, this giraffe candle, handmade in fair trade, is the perfect gift for lovers of animals and the natural and deep colors of Africa, which evoke the earth, the sun and the heat. Note that these candles are suitable for vegans and are unscented. Candle available in two sizes and three combinations (details in technical sheet)

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