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  • Decorative objects - Martellato - Champagne Cooler - MAEVE
  • Decorative objects - Martellato - Champagne Cooler - MAEVE
  • Decorative objects - Martellato - Champagne Cooler - MAEVE
  • Decorative objects - Martellato - Champagne Cooler - MAEVE
  • Decorative objects - Martellato - Champagne Cooler - MAEVE
  • Decorative objects - Martellato - Champagne Cooler - MAEVE

Product description

Martellato, a champagne cooler inspired by the Latin term for hammered, seeking a refined end through its sculptural character. Crafted exclusively by hand, this frapé boasts a distinctive personality, ensuring each piece is one-of-a-kind. The elegant texture and design impart a classic and timeless silhouette to the Martellato cooler, making it a statement piece that transcends trends. With meticulous craftsmanship, Martellato is not just a functional cooler; it's a work of art designed to keep your unique bottles impeccably chilled or to stand alone as a captivating display.

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