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  • Ceramic - Anthologist Ceramic Bowl Small Psari - ANTHOLOGIST
  • Ceramic - Anthologist Ceramic Bowl Small Psari - ANTHOLOGIST
  • Ceramic - Anthologist Ceramic Bowl Small Psari - ANTHOLOGIST


Advised sale price:  €40.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

With designs commissioned by our founder, Anthologist’s ceramics represent a return to authenticity. Utilising exclusively red clay and ancient methods, each piece is hand-thrown and hand-painted in an Athens workshop, a placed where we share with an artisan who comes from a long line of ceramicists from the island of Crete. The primitive design reflects “Psari” meaning fish. They are a gorgeous addition to any table, and mix well with contemporary flatware and crystal, and crisp white linen, as much as they would on the dining table at Panito Cottage in Paros.

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