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  • Decorative objects - MINATO ARCADE : Retro Design, "Red Ruby" - MAISON ROSHI
  • Decorative objects - MINATO ARCADE : Retro Design, "Red Ruby" - MAISON ROSHI


Advised sale price:  €2,915.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

The Minato is a retro-inspired bespoke arcade cabinet by Maison Roshi. With an array of nostalgic colour ways and customisable prints, the Minato pays homage to the history of old-school arcades. The Minato in the vibrant Red Ruby is equipped with 1000 arcade games and provides the finest authentic gaming experience available. This colour-way is a Maison Roshi favourite, perfect for various social spaces and game rooms. Elements: 16 buttons, 2 joysticks, custom prints, engraved plexiglass, built in console with over 1000 retro games, bespoke finishes, button backlight, HD monitor. 20kg

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