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  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW
  • Sofas - Design armchair KUUMO - Runner Foam Seat - Acrylic Glass - MOJOW


Product description

KUUMO combines design, comfort, and durability. Numbered and signed, made in France, with seat widths of 940 mm for the armchair and 1,540 mm for the sofas. High-quality design using recyclable materials, acrylic glass panels soon to be available in white epoxy-coated aluminum, stainless steel accessories ensuring durability and resistance. Independent cushions and removable covers for easy maintenance. Large foam cushion for outdoor use, does not retain water, and dries quickly. 3D fabric meets flammability and wear standards. 5-year warranty, 10-year durability.

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