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  • Coffee tables - Amethyst coffee table with black metallic steel base - LAVENTURINE GALLERY
  • Coffee tables - Amethyst coffee table with black metallic steel base - LAVENTURINE GALLERY
  • Coffee tables - Amethyst coffee table with black metallic steel base - LAVENTURINE GALLERY

Product description

How could we have forgotten to present our most beautiful stones without thinking of this amethyst coffee table? This amethyst first caught our attention with its beauty, its shape and especially its intense color. The contours of this amethyst are polished, which makes it even more unique but above all it allows the green veins of agate to stand out. An extra white glass tray will allow you to enhance the amethyst. This gigantic Druse is held in a very discreet matte black metal support, which highlights the stone. Obviously this table is a unique piece.

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