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  • Decorative objects - Dora Medium Lamp - ALIA VITAE
  • Decorative objects - Dora Medium Lamp - ALIA VITAE
  • Decorative objects - Dora Medium Lamp - ALIA VITAE
  • Decorative objects - Dora Medium Lamp - ALIA VITAE
  • Decorative objects - Dora Medium Lamp - ALIA VITAE
  • Decorative objects - Dora Medium Lamp - ALIA VITAE


Advised sale price:  €550.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

This lamp brings back to life the work of the famous André Cazenave. Known for his light sculptures from the 1970s, his innovative work fused art and design to reconnect man and nature. Alia Vitae wishes to honor her memory and her enigmatic work. The structure is made of fiberglass with a coating of marble powder and minerals from French quarries. A prolific, raw and organic object, the Dora Indoor Lamp can be modulated endlessly: alone or grouped. Electrical system: White cotton electrical cable, white plug and switch.

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