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  • Table cloths - Laulujoutsen Tablecloth Gold 145x250 cm - PENTIK
  • Table cloths - Laulujoutsen Tablecloth Gold 145x250 cm - PENTIK
  • Table cloths - Laulujoutsen Tablecloth Gold 145x250 cm - PENTIK
  • Table cloths - Laulujoutsen Tablecloth Gold 145x250 cm - PENTIK


Advised sale price:  €109.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

The quiet journey of the swans. The calls of the swans carry far into the distance, blending with the wistful song of the freezing lake as they prepare for their migration. The Laulujoutsen (Whooper swan) print, designed by Minna Niskakangas, captures the large wings of Finland´s national bird, carrying it into the warmth of the south while we stay to enjoy the atmospheric darkness of the polar night. The Laulujoutsen pattern was originally painted in ink on wet paper. The golden Laulujoutsen tablecloth is printed with a glittering pearlescent colour.The size of the Laulujoutsen tablecloth is 145x250 cm, and its 100% cotton. Machine washable in 60°C on a gentle program. 100% cotton

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Present at Maison&Objet Fair

From 16-20 January 2025


Hall 4 — Stands G114 - H113

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