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Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth and Katsu Stones


More than 40 stones in the Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth.

Multigenerational exhibition called Forecast. Forecast is designed to engage audiences of all ages, and is equal part exhibition, art studio, research laboratory, and emotional refuge. Developed in collaboration with scholar Dr Jo Pollitt, and photographers Eva Fernandez and Dianne Jones, we are looking to address a rise in eco-anxiety and climate grief through engaging audiences in artist led practices that create opportunities for deeper connection, as well as creating a calming sensory environment where audiences can rest, think and feel. We are looking to respond to crisis through the arts with tenderness, attention and care. “When we began envisioning the seating design I came across Katsu, which felt a perfect addition to the exhibition. I then approached our Design Store manager to see whether they would be interested in stocking Katsu, and they fell in love too!” - Lilly Blue, Head of Learning and Creativity Research. We invite you to enjoy the beauty of the exhibition space with us. If you would like also, please contact us by mail: Detail of *Forecast* | Curated by Lilly Blue with artists Dianne Jones, Eva Fernandez and Jo Pollitt. Installation view, The Art Gallery of Western Australia, 2024. Photo by Louise Coghill.

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