François Champsaur

From architecture to design, François Champsaur designs highly stylish and discreet spaces ; the designer gives way to living spaces with their own soul. Discover his selection!

François Champsaur
This summer, François Champsaur designed the restoration of the hotel Le Bailli de Suffren situated on the legendary bay of Saint-Tropez. Currently, the transformation of the Manapany hotel on the island of Saint-Barthélemy is in its hands for an opening in early 2018. It will be the first eco-resort on the island. Deeply committed to luxury achievements in places with strong identity in France or abroad, Francois’s approach goes through two parallel activities : interior design and fruniture design. He has transformed luxury hotels such as the Royal Evian along the Geneva lake, the Vernet hotel, the Metropolitan and the Hotel du Ministère in Paris, and private houses for art collectors. From architecture to design, François Champsaur designs highly stylish and discreet spaces ; the designer gives way to living spaces with their own soul.