Stooly creates sustainable furniture for events and receptions.
Stooly furniture is able to transform your space and make it easily modular. Designed in recyclable cardboard, it is also ultra-resistant and designed for a load of up to 300 kg! Anyone can sit there. The rendering of our cardboard furniture brings that natural touch that makes your room warm. Folding stools, extendable benches, tables, bar tables... Discover the new way to welcome all your guests!
Dossier de presse STOOLY 2022
STOOLY est une marque française créée en 2017 par Lai-sze et Delphine Lau, et spécialisée dans la conception de mobilier pour les petits espaces. Fabriqué en carton recyclable, il est pliable, robuste et durable. Cette année, la marque a remportée 3 médailles d'Or lors de la dernière édition du concours Lépine.
Transform your space with 100% recyclable Stooly furniture!
Stooly creates furniture designed for small spaces, functional, design, cocooning and with an eco-responsible commitment. Our ultra-resistant range is designed for a maximum load of 300kg! High table, reception desk, stools ... Discover our design solutions in foldable cardboard to make all your events a success!