MIRA is an innovative photographic project initiated by two Belgian creators in 2015. MIRA is the fruit of an encounter uniting two talents, those of a painter Yvan Brutsaert and a photographer Laurent Van Ausloos. Their work results in a subtle blending of both arts. MIRA imagines and creates original works for interior designers, design suppliers, corporates and private buyers. Contact us by email or phone for more info. info@miravisuals.com 0032473943698 www.miravisuals.com
Add AddMIRA VISUAL CREATIONS Wall decoration Mira Visual Creations - ENSO by MIRAYour price:upon demand
Add AddMIRA VISUAL CREATIONS Mira Visual Creations Wall DecorYour price:upon demand
Add AddMIRA VISUAL CREATIONS Mira Visual Creations Wall DecorYour price:upon demand
Add AddMIRA VISUAL CREATIONS Wall decoration Mira Visual Creations - ENSO BY MIRAYour price:upon demand