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Founded in 1965, VLAEMYNCK is manufacturer of sun protections, cushions and develops terrace furniture in accordance with noble materials and colours.

From humble beginnings as a parasol and cushion manufacturer for professionals, the brand has gone on to develop an expansive range of outdoor furniture. VLAEMYNCK is now making the same furniture for you to experience at home. VLAEMYNCK has developed solid expertise with teak. The brand has been specializing in this wood for more than 30 years now, and was the first brand in France to offer teak furniture. Since then, other materials such as aluminium, steel and woven resin have been brought in to complement VLAEMYNCK's expertise. VLAEMYNCK also works with worlds leaders in textile sector.

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  • 07/05/2021 Nouveau parasol Borée
    Nouveau parasol Borée, il gagne contre tous les vents.

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    Le fauteuil repas de la nouvelle collection Gordes, récompensé d'un MIAW Awards.

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  • 07/05/2021 Nouvelle collection Gordes
    Nouvelle collection Gordes : l'élégance des lignes, l'excellence de la matière

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