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  • Floral decoration - Symphonie Artificial Bouquet, White, Plastic - BLOOMINGVILLE
  • Floral decoration - Symphonie Artificial Bouquet, White, Plastic - BLOOMINGVILLE
  • Floral decoration - Symphonie Artificial Bouquet, White, Plastic - BLOOMINGVILLE

Product description

The Symphony Artificial Bouquet by Bloomingville evokes a sense of harmony and softness, reminiscent of a soothing orchestral piece. It presents a delicate arrangement of floral elements in soft whites, creams, and subtle hints of greenery, weaving a visual melody that appeals to the senses. Each stem contributes to the bouquet's overall beauty, reflecting the subtle contrasts of a symphony. Perfect for serene and reflective moments, the arrangement invites admiration of nature's gentle elegance. Trim and shape the stems before use to bring out the natural look of the bouquet and adapt them to

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Present at Maison&Objet Fair

From 05-09 September 2024


Hall 5A — Stands R54 - S53

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