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  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH
  • Caskets and boxes - Lumina Trinket Box, Porcelain Octagonal Jewelry Trinket Box - MEZZOGIORNOH


Advised sale price from:  €140.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

Crafted from high-quality porcelain in Milan, Italy. A porcelain octagonal shaped trinket box adorned with glowing sun eye pen style illustration. The illustration is meticulously applied to the porcelain surface using the waterslide decal technique, then permanently fused through a high-temperature kiln firing. It is a perfect addition to your desk, console, bookshelf, bathroom, or vanity, adding a touch of artistry and positive energy to your space.

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