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  • Coffee and tea - Tettiera Earl Grey Radiance Standard Tube 60g - TETTIERA
  • Coffee and tea - Tettiera Earl Grey Radiance Standard Tube 60g - TETTIERA
  • Coffee and tea - Tettiera Earl Grey Radiance Standard Tube 60g - TETTIERA
  • Coffee and tea - Tettiera Earl Grey Radiance Standard Tube 60g - TETTIERA
  • Coffee and tea - Tettiera Earl Grey Radiance Standard Tube 60g - TETTIERA


Advised sale price:  €12.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

A twist on the classic Earl Grey - loose leaf. Find delight in the additional vanilla and crème notes and blue cornflowers. Serve with milk. The story goes that in 1830, Charles Earl Grey, an English diplomat travelled to China, and as a reward for his act of kindness, a local man presented him with the recipe for making this distinctive tea. As inspiring as it may sound, the story is factually incorrect. Chinese have never been black tea drinkers, and so it was very unlikely that they had a tea recipe for Earl Grey to bestow on visitors.

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