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  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN
  • Pottery - Shiang design _ Plate_R - FRESH TAIWAN

Product description

About shiang design Shiang Design Studio is a Taipei based design company founded by Che-Wei Shiang in 2015. We unite all fields of design: from interior design, to product, graphic design, and branding, and we collaborate with designers and artists in many fields, including illustration, crafts, and fine art. Plate_R Plate R with the matching grey and white colors create a compatible combination. The thin edge of Plate _R is designed to seem as if it is floating on the dining table, presenting an exclusive proportion for a certain moment and the unique beauty of Taiwanese ceramics.

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