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  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH
  • Clocks - Besonder NRH Standing Clock Mini - Hourly Slow Rotating Wooden Design - BEAMALEVICH


Advised sale price:  €190.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

For the first time, time is perceived as a relaxing element, offering an escape from routine and stress. The NRH clock is made with handcrafted sheets of paper that continually rotate marking the hours of the day. At the end of each hour, the page passes over the metal indicator, generating a pleasant sound. Worth a watch. The design incorporates a clockwork mechanism, powered by an AA battery. It is made of hard maple, stainless steel, and either Rives White or Black paper sheets 180gr. Awarded the IF Design Prize 2024

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