Shapes of Guggenheim Bilbao

A perfect customization example by Beamalevich
Under request of one of our top clients and partners, Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, we developed a custom made "SHAPES OF" skyline model representing all the details that make the Guggenheim Bilbo be recognizable: ----> Frank Gehry's structural design ----> Jeff Koons' "Puppy" sculpture ----> Louise Bourgeois' "Mama" sculpture The idea is the same than with any other "SHAPES OF" model - you play with the methacrylate pieces and make up 3-D dioramas depicting buildings or cities in high detail, easy to recognize, and with the chance to rearrange them in new ways. This is a just an example of Beamalevich's full customization possibilities to be done with our range of products. Virtually ANY product on our catalogue is customizable to suit our client's needs. *This product is sold exclusively on the Guggenheim Bilbao Shop and E-shop