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  • Fabric cushions - Boho Cushion Cover  35X50 Cm - EN FIL D'INDIENNE...
  • Fabric cushions - Boho Cushion Cover  35X50 Cm - EN FIL D'INDIENNE...


Advised sale price:  €50.00 / unit (incl. VAT)

Product description

A cushion cover from the cotton velvet boho collection, recto verso. One side in smooth united velvet, the other face in stitched plain velvet. A large more bohemian: delicate natural fringes of 8cm natural linen on each of the small sides. Removable, zip for closing. Emma Bovary or the Camélias lady are not far away. We would like to take it everywhere, from his romantic room even in his opera lodge. Eternal favorite. The velvet used for Boho are the same as for the Lyric, Medici and Duo collections. You can therefore match the plaids, bedrooms, curtains and cushions from all these collections, with each other.

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