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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52
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Besoin d’aide ?  Contactez notre service client
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52


La combinaison d'objets du quotidien et de l'artisanat local façonne la vie à Taïwan.

L'Institut national de recherche et de développement de l'artisanat de Taiwan(NTCRI) va donner une nouvelle définition du travail du bois dans le domaine de l'ameublement et de l'artisanat. Nous partageons la même idée d'accomplir le travail moderne du bois dans le monde de l'artisanat et de l'art.

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Taïwan (Chine)


  • 24/03/2022 Exploring the Taste of the Forest at Maison et Objet 2022
    Aiming to promote the design and use of domestic wood through craft design, "Taste of the Forest" combines domestic wood and bamboo materials with craftsmanship and provides a platform for designers and craftsmen to work together and find a way to produce the design in small quantities through planning and discussion.

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  • 02/02/2021 Designboom News: NTCRI and yung-ling tseng explore the future of metal art crafting
    commissioned by the national taiwan craft research and development institute (NTCRI), AOI CYCLE’s craftsmanship bicycle project creates an elegant two-wheeler through metal and woodworking. as a common commodity transporting people from A to B for centuries, taiwan is a country well known for manufacturing bikes.
  • 28/12/2020 Designboom News: NTCRI and yung-ling tseng explore the future of metal art crafting
    fusing materials and making as well as local creators and international collaborators, national taiwan craft research and development institute’s (NTCRI) neo-taiwanese craftsmanship exhibition showcases the latest of the country’s craft artworks online on maison & objet and more.

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