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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52


  • 03/02/2021 Covet International Awards, Tout Ce Que Vous Devez Savoir Sur Le Concours
    Le Covet International Awards identifient les meilleurs projets de design d'intérieur et de conception de produits au monde. Boca do Lobo est un fier partenaire du projet et vous fera tout savoir à ce sujet. Les soumissions ont été ouvertes le 15 janvier, restez à l'écoute! En savoir plus sur https://bit.ly/3pLaUun
  • 25/01/2021 Design Hubs Of The World – 20 Top Interior Designers From San Antonio
    San Antonio is one of the most attractive Texas’ major cities, having historic buildings ranging from tumbledown mission churches to repurposed industrial landmarks, some fabulous parks, and museums and a truly cosmopolitan mix of peoples and cultures. Discovery more: https://bit.ly/2LUmapC
  • 22/01/2021 Design Hubs Of The World – 20 Top Interior Designers From Washington
    Washington is known as one of the big luxury design markets in the world, especially considering the innovation factor that has brought into the design market. We’re going on a journey to discover the Top Interior Designers In Washington, to get to know all the contemporary design inspiration you need for next year! Discover more at https://bit.ly/364i8Bz
  • 22/01/2021 Design Hubs Of The World – 20 Top Interior Designers From Seattle
    Seattle is the largest growing city in the pacific northwest. Seattle’s Top Interior Designers have the advantage of living in a hub for amazing contemporary design all around them. The natural landscapes also provide ample inspiration – from beaches to grassy rolling lands, to the central urban landscape. Discover more at https://bit.ly/366VZmp
  • 18/01/2021 La maison de luxe «Sorrento» de POTT rencontre le traitement hollywoodien
    En plein essor dans l'une des plus grandes régions de Chine, Hong Kong, une ville en constante évolution, la société de design POTT joue certainement un rôle important dans le monde du design d'intérieur et de l'architecture. Pour savoir plus https://bit.ly/3pal8Ei
  • 05/01/2021 Luxury Furniture Designs Featuring The Art Of Hand-Painted Tiles
    Boca do Lobo never ceases to amaze in the world of luxury furniture design, while at the same time, always making sure it pays tribute to its cultural heritage. For 2021, the brand created some new pieces to complete this remarkable design family. Check out new releases here https://bit.ly/3odflgy

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