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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52
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Besoin d’aide ?  Contactez notre service client
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52


High Quality Hand-made bespoke Abaca Rugs and Carpets. We bridge the gap to introduce you to the wonderful work of the Philippines master abaca weavers as well as help in leveling up the service of handicraft makers to international standard.

WEAVEMANILA INC specializes in custom made Abaca handwoven carpets & rugs, offering a selection of natural color dyes and product designs. The company is strong in custom made abaca rugs for both residential, commercial & hospitality needs.

Découvrir nos produits


  • WEAVEMANILA INC. Sadopeco Compound,
    Brgy. Sta. Miseracordia,
    Sto. Domingo Bicol
    4508 ALBAY



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