NITEN is a Japanese brand that accepts custom orders for high-quality leather materials that can be enjoyed over time. Shoes can be used for a long time with maintenance and repair.

NITEN is a brand of Japanese handmade shoe craftsmen. We take orders only use high-quality leather that ages beautifully. First of all, we listen to customer requests regarding comfort. Then carefully measure your feet. After that, our craftsmen use 400 types of wooden molds that have kept for many years and make fine adjustments to create the perfect shoe for the customer. You won't get tired even if you wear it for a long time. Our craftsmen have studied in Germany and are highly skilled. We also actively support repairs.

Découvrir nos produits


  • MICHITSUGU CO., LTD.2F Aisada No.2 Bldg,
    2-14-8, Motonakayama,
    273-0035 Funabashi

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