J’aime... L’ardoise : lumière qui vient du noir. Les galets : douceur chargée d’histoire. Le marbre, la pierre : résistance à apprivoiser. Le verre : couleurs subtiles. Les séries. J’invite au jeu : je l’inscrit dans la conception, l’accrochage.
I like mosaic. Collect shingles, pick up a fragment of marble, choose a shard of glass, be attracted by slate. Let my hands flow, intuitively. Take the time, I like séries. «Totem», «Traces », «Galetxie». Create rythmes. I like game. I extend an invitation to play, I integrate it within design, hanging. I like texture. Especially slate. Things that live move me infinitely I like contrats. They do not exist without each other. They are all texture. Color. Intensity. I like words. Those of others, they accompany me on my journeys inside myself. I like bequeathing what I love
Adhérent Ateliers d'Art de France