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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52
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Besoin d’aide ?  Contactez notre service client
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h au +33 (0)1 44 29 03 52
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  • Cadeaux - Planting Trowel Old Dutch Style - SNEEBOER
  • Cadeaux - Planting Trowel Old Dutch Style - SNEEBOER
  • Cadeaux - Planting Trowel Old Dutch Style - SNEEBOER
  • Cadeaux - Planting Trowel Old Dutch Style - SNEEBOER
  • Cadeaux - Planting Trowel Old Dutch Style - SNEEBOER
  • Cadeaux - Planting Trowel Old Dutch Style - SNEEBOER


Prix de vente conseillé :  72,35 € / unité (TTC)

Description produit

The design of the planting trowel has its heritage in the beginning of the 20th century, and it can be used for planting bulbs, seedlings and small plants. The large head is also very effective at breaking and turning soil. The planting trowel is hand forged and sharpened on both sides making it the perfect tool to work fast and with precision. It is the favorite garden tool of English tv-gardener Monty Don! Made from stainless steel and has a cherry wood handle of 22 cm.

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