• 18/07/2019 Blush & Gold Trend
    Bring romance to your designs with the Blush & Gold Trend. These tones are the perfect combination for those who want a relaxed and feminine bedroom, especially in kids rooms. Discover all of our furniture options to complete this look:
  • 12/07/2019 Gender Neutral Palette
    The easy way to create a gender-neutral bedroom decor is too picky the with tones with gold accents. This trend not only is perfected for girls and boys bedrooms but also bring a luxury feel to any bedroom. Our Magical Collection is the best picky if you want to follow this trend. Find more about it:
  • 09/07/2019 Pops Of Color
    Sometimes the neutral approach simply doesn't cut it A room isn't complete without leaving your own colorful mark on it. It is, after all, a tried-and-true way to highlight architectural details and lend personality to an otherwise neutral space. Bring life to your design with our magical inspirations:
  • 04/07/2019 Fantasy Air Balloon is Instagram’s Latest Crush
    The Fantasy Air Balloon is that one design piece that can easily summarize Circu’s vision. Recently, Marjorie Harvey, the renown wife of the famous American TV host Steve Harvey, decided to treasure her grandkids with the Up! movie inspired design. See the full article:
  • 03/07/2019 Green Water Colour Inspirations
    Green water is a must follow a trend for this summer. It's a great colour to achieve a fresh and whimsical decor and look. At Circu Magical Furniture we offer various options that will help you to complete the room. Find more:
  • 02/07/2019 Magic Pieces at Portugal Home Week
    Circu Magical Furniture was present at the first edition of Portugal Home Week. Circu took the opportunity to exhibit some of the brands most sought out pieces, such as the Sky One Plane in Royal Blue, the Cloud Lamp and the Booboo Swing in Green Discover all of the highlights of this fair:


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