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  • Coffee and tea - Loose tea - Long Jing - BBF PARIS
  • Coffee and tea - Loose tea - Long Jing - BBF PARIS
  • Coffee and tea - Loose tea - Long Jing - BBF PARIS
  • Coffee and tea - Loose tea - Long Jing - BBF PARIS

Product description

Long Jing is one of the most famous green teas in China, originating in the West Lake region of Zhejiang Province. The distinctive characteristics of Long Jing are its flat, thin, bright green leaves. The aromas and flavors of Long Jing unfold gradually in the mouth, it has a rich, sweet and refreshing flavor. With a slight bitterness at the end of the mouth, accompanied by a fresh scent and a subtle floral fragrance. (In the nose: aroma of peas/ In the mouth: a hint of bitterness and acidity, fresh and appetizing)

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