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  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN
  • Platter and bowls - DUO - Rinse and Serve - TREBONN

Product description

Rinse and serve! From Trebonn, an elegant and versatile set composed of a colander and a mixing bowl. Two indispensable objects in the kitchen, usable individually or together in countless occasions. Much more than just a colander, an unmatched multi-purpose set: for draining and serving pasta; for rinsing fruits and vegetables, for elegant table presentation, for transferring your creations while retaining cooking liquids.

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Present at Maison&Objet Fair

From 05-09 September 2024


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